Greetings My Brother Knights:

Report from the Calgary Chapter meeting January 27th, 2020. The State Convention will be held in Calgary this year at the Westin Hotel downtown. Online registration is open through the state website with pricing and information. Council 4878 will be supporting two voting delegates as usual but any Knight can attend the convention as non-voting members and pay their own way.

State Charity Appeal Chairman Bro. Dave Allen reported that things are going very well for the raffle this year.  Please have all your tickets in by February 18th to be entered in the early bird draw.

On February 8th Council 12446 St Albert the Great is having a fundraiser dinner calling it “February Blues Dinner”.   Contact their Council or Parish Office for more information.

February 20th Padre Night will be held at the Polish Cultural Center.  For those Brother Knights, who have not yet paid for their ticket, please do so at the council meeting.

February 23rd after the 9:00 am mass at St Cecilia’s Council will be hosting a Corporate Communion Breakfast and the Early Bird Charity Appeal draw. 

Prolife week is May 7 – 14th. Bishop McGrattan has asked that the Knights take charge of the Hike for Life this year.  This is a project for the Pro-Life Association.

Exemplification degrees have been reformed and wives and families can now attend the degrees with candidates. 

March For Life will be held on May 14th, 2020.

All members please try to attend our general meetings. Your input is important to the growth and development of present and future programs so that we will continue to be a relevant supporting force within our parish and communities and keep our council thriving well into the future. That being said,

May God bless you and the many works of the Knights of Columbus, and Illuminate your paths as ambassadors to his kingdom.

To all Brother Knights and Ladies of our Council, Juliette and I wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day.

Andy Haynes

Grand Knight


Greetings Brothers,

This month was a time of remembrance. On November 7th, we honoured our deceased brothers who passed away this year in a Memorial Mass at St. Bonaventure Parish. It was well attended by councils within the Calgary chapter. I would have, however, liked more of our council members to have  attended. We had five of our Brothers pass away this year: Don Johnson, David Fenton, Ken Dorscher, William (Monte) Erickson and Gordon Henchall. May they all rest in peace.

November 11th at 11:00am, we honoured those who fought and perished in war with a Remembrance Day mass hosted by the council at St. Cecilia’s Church. Refreshments were served afterwards.

Saturday, November 16th, from 9:00am to 2:00 PM Brothers Frank Gerritsen, Dan Barth and I along with many other Brothers from councils within the Calgary Chapter helped with distributing coats to less fortunate families and children in the Bishop Kidd Junior High School area.   Our contribution to the program was two boxes of coats.

Date to note: December 16th is our Council Christmas party. This year it will be a catered turkey dinner.  Pricing for tickets will be decided at the December meeting on Monday December 2nd.  I will keep you posted.

Our Executive meeting will be held as usual at 6:30 pm in the Auditorium on the first Monday of the month (December 2nd) followed by our general meeting at 7:30 pm in our council chambers. All members please try to attend our general meetings. Your input is important to the growth and development of present and future programs so that we will continue to be a relevant supporting force within our parish and communities and keep our council thriving well into the future. That being said,

May God bless you and the many works of the Knights of Columbus, and illuminate your paths as ambassadors to his kingdom.

Andy Haynes

Grand Knight

Council 4878


“You are an Ambassador of the living God”

 Greetings Brothers and Fellow Ambassadors,

I call you ambassadors because as the very definition of a knight is a “protector of a kingdom for a “Lord”. We as Knights of Columbus are not only considered protectors of ways and values of our Lord’s kingdom, but we are also called to be ambassadors for that kingdom. It would be a great honour to be an ambassador for a country like Canada; representing its power and capabilities to other countries. As knights, we have an even greater honour to represent the power and capabilities of our living God. “When you have an opportunity to speak for him, you can rightly say, “I have the privilege of announcing the mighty and heroic deeds of the living God, who has called me into his service”.

“Because you are in Christ, you have glorious privileges that include union with God, access to the Father, spiritual sacrifices, security, holiness, illumination and compassion. What greater honour can there be than to proclaim the excellence of the one who has granted you such marvellous privileges”.

As we go about our daily interactions, let us always be vigilant to the fact that being a knight is not just a title; it is a way of life learned and taught by word and example and reflected always to be a strength and influence to others.

May God bless you and the many works of the Knights of Columbus; lluminate your paths as ambassadors to his kingdom.

Andy Haynes

Grand Knight

Council 4878


Greetings Brother Knights:

 Greetings and welcome back from hopefully a well-deserved summer rest. As we start a new this fall, I first would like to thank and congratulate all those newly elected and re-elected to executive positions within our council. I have no doubt that with new inspiration and existing experience working together, we will have an exiting and productive year.

This summer when I was not working at a job, I spent a considerable amount of time in a small antique tractor repair shop in the middle of the Alberta countryside surrounded by rusting equipment and machinery of decades past, machinery that was once used to forge and mould this land into what we now know as Alberta. As I worked away, my mind would wonder, as it often does, and would think about the stories that these relics could tell if only they could with anachronisms of ages, fragile yet strong enough to withstand the test of time. As I pondered these things, I was reminded of an individual very much like us, fragile, yet unlike us withstands time: Jesus, our Lord the Master of all things. Think of the vast knowledge acquired over ages. There are lessons of what works and what is proven as a sure path to disaster from the chapters of mankind’s history of free will. It is said that knowledge is empowering. Why? Because it provides us with the tools necessary to safely and securely navigate the path that God has chosen for us and maximizes our effectiveness doing his will. 

Brothers, this year I propose that we challenge ourselves to take more time to listen to each other and listen to God’s guidance. With the strength of you my brothers and God’s guidance, we as men of God will continue to be a strong force in the face of adversity.  Here is to the beginning of another great year.

As always, may God bless you and keep you safe Andy Haynes, G.K. Council 4878


Greetings Brother Knights:

Welcome to our June addition and our final issue for this Columbian year.

First I would like to say that if you have not purchased tickets for the Grand Knight’s Ball honouring our Past Grand Knight Dave Allen, there are still tickets available and can be purchased after the Saturday and Sunday masses.  They will also be available at our June 3rd General meeting.

The month of May has been productive and a number of initiatives have been completed or are in the final stages of completion. We are in the final stages of completing the plans for the Grand Knight’s Ball and are looking forward to having a good mix of attendees at the Glenmore on June 15th.

We have created an advertisement and have placed it in the St Cecilia’s Parish bulletin to be available starting the weekend of June 1st.  This Pilot Initiative throughout the summer and into the fall may be expanded to other forms of media and will hopefully help attract some new members to our council.

Throughout the summer months, we are hoping to have a fresh new look to our council web site with new pictures, updates and content. Yes, we have a council website, check it out from time to time ( The events calendar is updated regularly with council, chapter and parish events and initiatives.

Our May 4th  & 5th garage sale was a great success netting us approximately $3100.00 to go toward repairs to the parish roof. Thank you to all those who helped with the planning and gave up their weekend to come and help out.  We not only raised money for the parish, but we had fun doing it.

Wednesday May 15th we were blessed to have a large group of children celebrate the sacrament of confirmation.  Bishop Emeritus Henry was present and presided over the mass.  He gave an inspiring talk to the candidates about doing their best. After mass our council served ice cream and cake.  Shown above are Brothers Andy Haynes, Fr. Paul Raj, Dan Barth and Dave Allen.

Church maintenance and repairs are coming along, thanks to a small group of brother knights. We could do with more help to lighten the load, as there are still many areas and systems that need attention. If you are skilled or even handy, we could use your help. The time you invest in our parish benefits us all. Talk to Brother Dan Barth or me if you are able to give a little time to help out.

Also if you have children’s books or books you do not want, you can donate them to Brother Bernardo Alejandria to help support and promote literacy in the Philippines. You can contact Brother Bernardo directly via the council roster or let me know.

Date to put on your calendars for July is our Stampede breakfast July 7th.  Hopefully, many of you will be able to help out.

To all Fathers and Grandfathers Julie and I wish a very happy and relaxing Father’s Day.

May God bless you and keep you safe.

Andy Haynes, Grand Knight Council 4878.


Greeting Brothers and Ladies: Welcome to another wonderful addition of our council bulletin. Busy, busy and busy is the word these days around Council 4878 as we continue to create ‘New Beginning’ built on a strong foundation, which is you the council. As we progress in this 21st Century of our Lord, I am exited to say that we as a council and as Brothers are still strong. We have started to add new council programs as part of the new ‘Faith in Action Program’ series issued by Supreme, aligning our initiatives more closely to our council’s strengths while beginning the audit and removal of present programs, which are less relevant. We have started online membership and have setup a prospect landing page via Supreme to engage new prospects and provide them with information not only about our council but what the order is doing worldwide. At the beginning of April, we volunteered to pilot a new membership drive initiative at St Cecilia’s supported by Supreme, State and Chapter Membership Directors and our insurance agent Greg Miskiman. Using our new prospect landing page, we had over thirty three people sign up for online information with the hopes of becoming Knights along the way.

The State Convention in Edmonton April 26th, 27th and 28th went really well and gave Brother Bernardo Alejandria and me the opportunity to network with other Grand Knights and Officers from District 32 along with others Districts. Our hope is to be able to share information and collaborate on projects in the future. We also brought home three state awards; COUNCIL OF THE YEAR, GRAND KNIGHT OF THE YEAR AND DISTRICT OF THE YEAR. Thank you Brothers for all that you do. We are truly a service council. This is what we are known for and this is what we excel at and do very well. Understanding our strengths empowers us as a team and helps us to “row together for the common good”. I often think back to the reasons I joined the Knights. When talking to other Knights, it seems to be a common theme “many hands make light work”. There is so much work to do in this world and so little time.

As I say goodbye to those Brothers who have gone ahead and welcome new ones into our ranks, I am reminded how just the smallest things done can make the biggest difference. There are many more great years of service to be given to our parish, communities and the Order from Council 4878 “the heavy lifters’. Great job.

Coming up on May 9th in Edmonton is the March For Life. St Bonaventure Council 7432 is organizing buses for the transportation to Edmonton. There is still space on the bus if you would like to attend so contact GK John Leszkowicz at for information regarding cost and times.

Grand Knight’s Ball will be held at the Glenmore Inn on June 15th honouring IPGK Dave Allen. More information will come.

God bless all Mothers and Grandmothers on Mother’s Day, and I look forward to seeing my Brother Knights at the General Council meeting on May 6, 2019.

Andy Haynes GK 4878


Greetings Brothers,

Family of the Month has three new committee members: Ronny Timonera, Orly Alcantara and Ken Moen. Chairs Mike Driscoll and Henry Feddema, will be selecting a Family of the Month for February.

Online membership is coming; Supreme is progressing towards going paperless. I am presently working on familiarizing myself with the officer online console to conduct administrative duties and monitor online membership. I am finding it very efficient.  I will be registering our council with Supreme for a prospect-landing page through This page will give us the ability to see, communicate and manage new prospects for our council via online. I am hoping to have this up and running very shortly. We are also working on implementing E – transfers as an optional means of payment for membership dues and other transactions as a convenience to our membership.  These transactions will go directly to our Financial Secretary and is a secure way to send funds. As an added convenience, we also have a Point of Sale terminal that can be used for the same transactions.

Family and Community Director positions: Mike Driscoll volunteered last meeting to adopt the Family Director role and go through the security checks requested by Supreme. Henry Feddema has accepted the Community Director’s position and will complete the same security checks that apply to the Family Director position. I would like to congratulate these two in their new roles and thank them for their dedication to our Order and council.

I believe we still have three candidates that need to go through a First Degree.  We will try to get them to an exemplification as soon as possible or a video session.

World Day of the Sick February 11th was celebrated at the 11:00 AM mass on Sunday February 10th.   Our council hosted a continental breakfast for the parish after the mass. A big Thank you to Dan and Elaine Barth, Katherine Feddema, Fred Bremner, Mike Abday and others that I may have missed for preparing, serving and generally helping out where help was needed. I was a little disappointed that we did not have many Brothers help out.  Elaine Barth prepared and laid out most of the breakfast by herself. Thanks again to the small group that gave some time to help out and make the breakfast a success for all.

Padre Night on February 28th at the Polish Canadian Cultural Center was a wonderful evening with Priests and Brothers.  I was surprised at how many Brothers came out from all different councils within the Calgary Chapter and beyond. The highlight of the evening was a talk by Bishop Emeritus Frederick Henry who spoke very insightfully and openly about the sex scandals that have impacted our Catholic Community.

The State Convention in Edmonton is coming up on April 26th, 27tth and 28th. I have registered and paid for one couple’s package and will be registering Brother Bernardo Alejandria and his wife Elenor as our second delegate for the convention. Two hotel rooms have also been reserved. The hotel this year will be the Clarion Hotel and Convention Center in Sherwood Park as the Westin in Edmonton experienced some flooding in their facility and are unable to accommodate our convention this year.

Coming up is the March for Life – May 9th in Edmonton.   St. Bonaventure Council 7432 is organizing buses so we can go as a large group.

God bless you all, and I look forward to seeing you at the general council meeting on March 4, 2019.

Andy Haynes

GK 4878


Greetings my Brother Knights.

Happy New Year my Brother Knights, I hope you all had a blessed Christmas with family and friends.

I would first like to thank all those who attended our annual Christmas party on December 17th with a special thank you to Bro. Dan and lady Elaine Barth, and all the brothers and ladies who helped prep, serve, cook, clean up and make the event a truly joyous time.

On Saturday December 15th, Brother Vital Morrissette with his team of dedicated brother knights once again delivered poinsettias to our beloved fraternal family of widows. Thank you ladies for your continued support.  Your smiles and strong hearts brighten our council, as always.

December 9th our council presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Albert Obah, a young musician and altar server at St. Cecilia’s church, for his participation in the November 11th Remembrance Day ceremony at St Cecilia. Albert played “The Last Post” beautifully on his trumpet.

Looking into January, stay posted, as we are looking at changing the format of some of the existing council programs and have already added a couple new ones. The “Helping Hands” program is one that we added in December. The Helping Hands Program is a Faith in Action program designed to recognize the important work many councils already do to care for the most disadvantaged members of our communities and beyond. The requirements for this program are very broad allowing us as a council to serve our community in whatever way is most needed. Brother Bernardo Alejandria our Recorder has graciously accepted the chair position for this program and has already added “Books for the Philippines” a project to support literacy in the Philippines, by collecting and sending books. If you have any books you would like to donate, you can contact Brother Bernardo via the council roster or talk to him directly after or before the “First Friday” praise and worship held at St Cecilia’s church every first Friday of the month. This month’s general meeting will be held January 7th at 7:30 pm succeeding our executive meeting at 6:30 pm.

I think that is all for now, until next month. And as usual, hope to see you at the general meeting, as we always have much to discuss.



God bless you and Vivat Jesus.


Andy Haynes

Grand Knight Council 4878


Greetings my Brother Knights.

First of all I would like to thank all who came out to the Chapter Memorial Mass at Sacred Heart Parish on November 5th to honour all the Brother Knights who passed away this year in the Calgary Chapter. Sadly we had to say farewell to three of our long time Brothers, namely Eric Keefe, Steve Sowinski, and Fr. Gregory Roetker.  Fr. Gregory was Pastor of St. Cecilia Parish from 1985 to 1990 and passed away in Germany. Brothers Steve and Eric were long standing members of our council and were well known within St Cecilia parish. The strengths they brought to our council will be truly missed.

Those who came out for Lector’s Night on the November 19th,as I did, I am sure were pleasantly surprised as I was to find that there was nothing planned. This has been rectified for December by having our Annual Christmas Party on December 17th, which will be held in St. Cecilia’s main parish hall. Come all and enjoy a night of festivity and friendship. Refreshments will be served at 5:30 followed by dinner at 6:30 PM. Please bring a non perishable food item or items to be donated to St. Vincent de Paul. There will NOT be a gift exchange, but you are welcome to exchange good conversation and frivolity.

This year our annual poinsettia delivery to our beloved widows will be distributed on Saturday December 15th so please contact Brother Vital Morrissette if you would like to help out. I believe he still may need a few good helping hands.

For those who have not been able to make it to a meeting for a while, I would like to mention that there have been some changes made to the service program structure at the Supreme level. We now only have four categories, which are as follows: Faith, Community, Family, and Life. For those who are able to attend the general meetings, you will notice that this new format will be reflected in the minutes. Our program leaders must now be aware that their particular program may be under a different category or possibly could be changed completely. We will discuss this further at the general meeting. I am sure there will be questions and some confusion as we work towards a program format that works for us.

Armatus Presidium, safe environment training and background checks are now being enforced.  We are a little behind schedule with a few stragglers who still need to complete the program. There was a discussion about this at the last general meeting and I would like to clarify that at this time this training is only mandated for key officers within the council and needs to be completed for us to be deemed as a council compliant by Supreme. For those who would like to do the training you can do so through the Supreme website by clicking on the safe environment link on the top right. I am hoping that we can have this completed by the end of December.

That is it for now. As usual, I hope to see you at the general meeting as we always have much to discuss.  The meeting starts at 7:30 PM, which follows the executive meeting that is held at 6:30 PM on December 3rd 2018.

My wife Juliette and I wish all my Brother Knights Ladies & families a Holy and Peaceful Christmas.

God bless you and Vivat Jesus.

Andy Haynes

Grand Knight Council 4878


As we venture into the month of November, I would like to touch briefly on events that occurred in the month past. On October 20th and 21st, we had our Knights Recruitment/Information Drive within the stewardship weekend at St Cecilia’s church. We had a great display table set up in the hall and it was wonderful to see so many Brother Knights wearing their blue jackets attending to questions and promoting our council and order.  A special thank you to all.

Also in the same week, October 19th by request of council, my wife Juliette and I with Fr. Paul Raj and Fr. Henry Rosenbaum attended the 19th Annual Bishop’s Dinner honouring our Calgary Bishop William T. McGrattan. The event was held at the Telus Convention Centre downtown and celebrated Catholic Education and Programs. The event was well attended and musical entertainment was provided by a number of school bands.

On the evening of October 22nd, Council 4878 showed it’s Service strength once again and on a moments notice hosted the monthly Calgary Chapter meeting, as the chosen host for the month was unable to.  A big thanks to Bro. Dan Barth and wife Elaine for preparing and catering a suburb  pre meeting dinner social. Thank you Bro. Frank Gerritsen for setup and cleanup  and Bro. Dave Masse for helping with serving.

Executive and general meetings will be held at 6:30 and 7:30 PM respectively on Monday, November 5th 2018. A reminder to all that on November 8th at 7:00 PM we have the memorial mass at Sacred Heart Church honouring our deceased brothers who died this past year. Please try to attend. As usual, hope to see you at the general meeting, as we have much to discuss.

God bless and Vivat Jesu


Andy Haynes

Grand Knight Council 4878