Dear Knights

We celebrate Christmas the Birth of Jesus Christ who was not welcomed in any home and had to be born in a manger. As we celebrate Christmas this year let us be mindful of those who are in need of our welcome like a family member, a friend, a co-worker, a neighbour, a fellow parishioner. Let us not shut the door of our heart to these people as Jesus was shut off 2018 years ago but let us make a room for them in our hearts with forgiveness, mercy and love.




Father Paul, our Chaplain, is still away on holidays in India with his family. With this cold weather I envy him in that warm climate. I do not wish to act as your chaplain but I would like to share.

Last Wednesday the Seniors were gathered in the upstairs auditorium of our church enjoying their usual fun morning of cards. I was passing through the group to go to another door when Bro. Don Hunter called to me. He wished to purchase a Knight’s rosary and the prayer card that goes with it. I went to the Knight’s closet and retrieved a rosary and card for him. He said it was for someone close to him and because he was interested in the rosary, Bro. Don thought it would be nice if it would be a Knight’s rosary.

What does this illustrate? It is often said that being a Knight is a vocation. Knighthood is called to be an evangelist, not by preaching but simply living one’s life by example the principles of CHARITY, UNITY FRATERNITY AND PATRIOTISM. In this case the moment of evangelization came simply by Bro. Don reaching out to someone who showed an interest in the rosary. Who knows what the outcome will be!!
To the extent that we are able to commit ourselves to renewing our own faith, I believe we will be able to keep our council strong, vibrant and growing, well into the year ahead.

Lastly – don’t forget to ask. A new member more often than not is only a smile, a friendly word or a pancake away.
Dan Barth,



We are entering into the season of Advent, another opportunity, another time for preparation in order to receive the birth of Jesus in our hearts in a meaningful and grace filled way.

Prepare well in these four weeks of Advent in order to live and experience the gifts of the Birth of Jesus with all its first Christmas promises of Salvation, Good news, Peace, Joy and Blessings – WISHING YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Let the New Year start with a smile, hope, peace, happiness, prosperity and good health. Let this New Year bring into fulfillment all that you wish and want to achieve.
Council Chaplain
Fr. Paul Raj, SAC


Dear Bro. Knights
I hope you all had a wonderful summer. I did enjoy my summer with a lot of free time to walk around the church. The highlight of my summer was attending the Supreme Convention at St. Louis, USA.

It was a wonderful experience for me to be part of the Supreme Convention. What impressed me the most was the kind of discipline, the order, the togetherness that the Knights exhibited throughout the convention. The hard work of all the Knights and their council was really very impressive. The number of Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Knights and their families was amazing. It was well-organized event. I was blessed to be part of it.

I need to really thank from the bottom of my heart our brother Knight Danny Barth and Elaine Barth for being with me and taking care of me throughout the Convention.
Fr. Paul Raj


Dear Bro. Knights

The month of November is both the month of God’s Glory which shines forth through all the Saints and the month of God’s merciful forgiveness for our souls for whom we pray and offer Masses. It is also a gentle reminder to all of us that our bodies and souls are to be kept pure and holy acceptable before God. Take care of your body and soul.

As a Knight we too pay a great tribute and respect for all the great people who scarified their lives for our county. Do not forget those people who scarified their lives for every one of us: like our family members and great knights.

May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.



The month of October is a very important month because we began the month with the Feast of Theresa of the Child Jesus who is known for her little way. Then we have on the 4th the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, who is known for his love of God’s wonderful creation. We will also be celebrating Thanksgiving Day in this month.

Like St. Theresa, give thanks for every little blessing we received from the Lord and like St. Francis, do not forget to be grateful to God for the wonderful creation which he has made. Finally do not forget to thank God for being a Knight and for all the wonderful works we do as Knights.

Thank you Lord for making me a Knight.

Fr. Paul Raj


Dear Brother Knights

We have just completed another summer with a lot of rain and warmth as well. We are back with our regular meetings and other Knights activities. Welcome back to all of you.
As we enter into the month of September, the first thought comes to my mind is Blessed Mother Theresa of Calcutta, India, whose feast we celebrate on 5th of September. I would like to quote two sayings of Mother Theresa which should be a driving force for every knight.

I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us, he will not ask, ‘How many good things have you done in your life?’ rather he will ask, ‘How much love did you put into what you did?’ – Mother Teresa.

As we enter into another year of lot of activities, it is very important for every knight to do everything with much love.

Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, and kindness in your smile. – Mother Teresa.

The other word for knight should be kindness. Let your life, words and actions be filled with lot of kindness.

Blessed Mother Theresa: pray for us.
Fr. Paul Raj


Dear Brother Knights

God works always in an amazing way which I have experienced innumerable times in my life.

One such works of God that I experienced on 29th of May 2016 in our parish, St. Cecilia. As we had our Corpus Christi procession, there were as many as more than 17 Knights participated and provided nice ice cream and hot dogs for the parishioners, we did have very nice sunny weather, which was perfect conditions for our procession. Once we finished our entire Corpus Christi program around 1.30 pm, it started raining at 2 pm and lasted for the whole evening. What a wonderful work of God. Thanks be to God and thanks to the Knights as well.

As I talk about nice bright sunlight during our procession, we are going to have another Bright Sunny Summer this year 2016. It is going to be many days of bright sunlight. It is also important for every Knight to shine long and bright like sun shine with love, joy, peace, goodness, happiness, laughter, helpfulness and caring etc. I pray that every Knight be a light to others throughout this summer.

Enjoy your summer holidays spreading bright light of yours to others.

Fr. Paul Raj


Dear Brother Knights,


We are entering yet another new year. It is time to make a great start of the New Year 2016. We as Knights could be proud of so many achievements in the last year. Let us enter into this New Year with lot of vigour and enthusiasm. Let us together bring more joy into the lives of many people through our various activities in the coming year.

At this juncture I would like to entrust our council into the hands of Mary the Mother of God and our Mother for her blessings and intercession.

May you and your family be blessed with peace, love and joy in this New Year 2016.

Fr. V. Irudaya Paul Raj SAC
Council Chaplain


Dear Brother Knights,

“He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end” (Luke 1:33).

The story of Jesus’ birth includes many individuals who acted on faith like Mary, Joseph, Shepherds, and Kings etc. We need to model our life and faith after one of these individuals in order to effectively experience Jesus’ birth. Let us also not forget the words of Apostle St. James that faith without action is dead. Our actions for this Christmas could be a giving or hoping or receiving or being a blessing to others because:

CHRISTMAS is a great time of BLESSING.
CHRISTMAS is a great time of GIVING.
CHRISTMAS is a great time of HOPING.
CHRISTMAS is a great time of RECIEVING.

May all that is beautiful, meaningful, joyful be yours this CHRISTMAS Season.

A blessed Christmas to you.
Fr. V. Irudaya Paul Raj SAC
Council Chaplain