Greetings My Brother Knights:

Report from the Calgary Chapter meeting January 27th, 2020. The State Convention will be held in Calgary this year at the Westin Hotel downtown. Online registration is open through the state website with pricing and information. Council 4878 will be supporting two voting delegates as usual but any Knight can attend the convention as non-voting members and pay their own way.

State Charity Appeal Chairman Bro. Dave Allen reported that things are going very well for the raffle this year.  Please have all your tickets in by February 18th to be entered in the early bird draw.

On February 8th Council 12446 St Albert the Great is having a fundraiser dinner calling it “February Blues Dinner”.   Contact their Council or Parish Office for more information.

February 20th Padre Night will be held at the Polish Cultural Center.  For those Brother Knights, who have not yet paid for their ticket, please do so at the council meeting.

February 23rd after the 9:00 am mass at St Cecilia’s Council will be hosting a Corporate Communion Breakfast and the Early Bird Charity Appeal draw. 

Prolife week is May 7 – 14th. Bishop McGrattan has asked that the Knights take charge of the Hike for Life this year.  This is a project for the Pro-Life Association.

Exemplification degrees have been reformed and wives and families can now attend the degrees with candidates. 

March For Life will be held on May 14th, 2020.

All members please try to attend our general meetings. Your input is important to the growth and development of present and future programs so that we will continue to be a relevant supporting force within our parish and communities and keep our council thriving well into the future. That being said,

May God bless you and the many works of the Knights of Columbus, and Illuminate your paths as ambassadors to his kingdom.

To all Brother Knights and Ladies of our Council, Juliette and I wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day.

Andy Haynes

Grand Knight