Greetings Brother Knights:
Welcome to our June addition and our final issue for this Columbian year.
First I would like to say that if you have not purchased tickets for the Grand Knight’s Ball honouring our Past Grand Knight Dave Allen, there are still tickets available and can be purchased after the Saturday and Sunday masses. They will also be available at our June 3rd General meeting.
The month of May has been productive and a number of initiatives have been completed or are in the final stages of completion. We are in the final stages of completing the plans for the Grand Knight’s Ball and are looking forward to having a good mix of attendees at the Glenmore on June 15th.
We have created an advertisement and have placed it in the St Cecilia’s Parish bulletin to be available starting the weekend of June 1st. This Pilot Initiative throughout the summer and into the fall may be expanded to other forms of media and will hopefully help attract some new members to our council.
Throughout the summer months, we are hoping to have a fresh new look to our council web site with new pictures, updates and content. Yes, we have a council website, check it out from time to time ( The events calendar is updated regularly with council, chapter and parish events and initiatives.
Our May 4th & 5th garage sale was a great success netting us approximately $3100.00 to go toward repairs to the parish roof. Thank you to all those who helped with the planning and gave up their weekend to come and help out. We not only raised money for the parish, but we had fun doing it.
Wednesday May 15th we were blessed to have a large group of children celebrate the sacrament of confirmation. Bishop Emeritus Henry was present and presided over the mass. He gave an inspiring talk to the candidates about doing their best. After mass our council served ice cream and cake. Shown above are Brothers Andy Haynes, Fr. Paul Raj, Dan Barth and Dave Allen.
Church maintenance and repairs are coming along, thanks to a small group of brother knights. We could do with more help to lighten the load, as there are still many areas and systems that need attention. If you are skilled or even handy, we could use your help. The time you invest in our parish benefits us all. Talk to Brother Dan Barth or me if you are able to give a little time to help out.
Also if you have children’s books or books you do not want, you can donate them to Brother Bernardo Alejandria to help support and promote literacy in the Philippines. You can contact Brother Bernardo directly via the council roster or let me know.
Date to put on your calendars for July is our Stampede breakfast July 7th. Hopefully, many of you will be able to help out.
To all Fathers and Grandfathers Julie and I wish a very happy and relaxing Father’s Day.
May God bless you and keep you safe.
Andy Haynes, Grand Knight Council 4878.