Greeting Brothers and Ladies: Welcome to another wonderful addition of our council bulletin. Busy, busy and busy is the word these days around Council 4878 as we continue to create ‘New Beginning’ built on a strong foundation, which is you the council. As we progress in this 21st Century of our Lord, I am exited to say that we as a council and as Brothers are still strong. We have started to add new council programs as part of the new ‘Faith in Action Program’ series issued by Supreme, aligning our initiatives more closely to our council’s strengths while beginning the audit and removal of present programs, which are less relevant. We have started online membership and have setup a prospect landing page via Supreme to engage new prospects and provide them with information not only about our council but what the order is doing worldwide. At the beginning of April, we volunteered to pilot a new membership drive initiative at St Cecilia’s supported by Supreme, State and Chapter Membership Directors and our insurance agent Greg Miskiman. Using our new prospect landing page, we had over thirty three people sign up for online information with the hopes of becoming Knights along the way.

The State Convention in Edmonton April 26th, 27th and 28th went really well and gave Brother Bernardo Alejandria and me the opportunity to network with other Grand Knights and Officers from District 32 along with others Districts. Our hope is to be able to share information and collaborate on projects in the future. We also brought home three state awards; COUNCIL OF THE YEAR, GRAND KNIGHT OF THE YEAR AND DISTRICT OF THE YEAR. Thank you Brothers for all that you do. We are truly a service council. This is what we are known for and this is what we excel at and do very well. Understanding our strengths empowers us as a team and helps us to “row together for the common good”. I often think back to the reasons I joined the Knights. When talking to other Knights, it seems to be a common theme “many hands make light work”. There is so much work to do in this world and so little time.

As I say goodbye to those Brothers who have gone ahead and welcome new ones into our ranks, I am reminded how just the smallest things done can make the biggest difference. There are many more great years of service to be given to our parish, communities and the Order from Council 4878 “the heavy lifters’. Great job.

Coming up on May 9th in Edmonton is the March For Life. St Bonaventure Council 7432 is organizing buses for the transportation to Edmonton. There is still space on the bus if you would like to attend so contact GK John Leszkowicz at for information regarding cost and times.

Grand Knight’s Ball will be held at the Glenmore Inn on June 15th honouring IPGK Dave Allen. More information will come.

God bless all Mothers and Grandmothers on Mother’s Day, and I look forward to seeing my Brother Knights at the General Council meeting on May 6, 2019.

Andy Haynes GK 4878