In his message for the 27th World Day of the Sick, Pope Francis urges believers to promote a culture of generosity, noting that the joy of generous giving is a barometer of the health of a Christian. Pope Francis says that those who care for the sick and give of themselves with generosity and straightforward love – like St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta – are amongst the Church’s most credible evangelizers. In his message for the World Day of the Sick, which will be celebrated on 11 February, the pope focuses on Jesus’s words to the Apostles: “You received without payment; give without payment” (Mt 10:8). Established in 1993 by Saint John Paul II on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes, a different city is chosen each year to host the World Day of the Sick. This year the choice has fallen on Calcutta in India, and Pope Francis has highlighted the figure of Saint Teresa of Calcutta as a model of charity who made God’s love for the poor and sick visible.
At St. Cecilia we will again be sponsoring a continental breakfast for parishioners, volunteers and Pastoral Care workers for World Day of the Sick on Sunday, February 10th, following the 11 AM mass.
Again I am asking for help from our Brother Knights and ladies for the preparatory work of setting up tables and chairs, cutting pastries and organizing trays, making coffee and taking care of any other incidentals that need attention. Purchases will be done ahead. Please contact Danny at 403-278-4347 if you can help.