Greetings my Brother Knights.
First of all I would like to thank all who came out to the Chapter Memorial Mass at Sacred Heart Parish on November 5th to honour all the Brother Knights who passed away this year in the Calgary Chapter. Sadly we had to say farewell to three of our long time Brothers, namely Eric Keefe, Steve Sowinski, and Fr. Gregory Roetker. Fr. Gregory was Pastor of St. Cecilia Parish from 1985 to 1990 and passed away in Germany. Brothers Steve and Eric were long standing members of our council and were well known within St Cecilia parish. The strengths they brought to our council will be truly missed.
Those who came out for Lector’s Night on the November 19th,as I did, I am sure were pleasantly surprised as I was to find that there was nothing planned. This has been rectified for December by having our Annual Christmas Party on December 17th, which will be held in St. Cecilia’s main parish hall. Come all and enjoy a night of festivity and friendship. Refreshments will be served at 5:30 followed by dinner at 6:30 PM. Please bring a non perishable food item or items to be donated to St. Vincent de Paul. There will NOT be a gift exchange, but you are welcome to exchange good conversation and frivolity.
This year our annual poinsettia delivery to our beloved widows will be distributed on Saturday December 15th so please contact Brother Vital Morrissette if you would like to help out. I believe he still may need a few good helping hands.
For those who have not been able to make it to a meeting for a while, I would like to mention that there have been some changes made to the service program structure at the Supreme level. We now only have four categories, which are as follows: Faith, Community, Family, and Life. For those who are able to attend the general meetings, you will notice that this new format will be reflected in the minutes. Our program leaders must now be aware that their particular program may be under a different category or possibly could be changed completely. We will discuss this further at the general meeting. I am sure there will be questions and some confusion as we work towards a program format that works for us.
Armatus Presidium, safe environment training and background checks are now being enforced. We are a little behind schedule with a few stragglers who still need to complete the program. There was a discussion about this at the last general meeting and I would like to clarify that at this time this training is only mandated for key officers within the council and needs to be completed for us to be deemed as a council compliant by Supreme. For those who would like to do the training you can do so through the Supreme website by clicking on the safe environment link on the top right. I am hoping that we can have this completed by the end of December.
That is it for now. As usual, I hope to see you at the general meeting as we always have much to discuss. The meeting starts at 7:30 PM, which follows the executive meeting that is held at 6:30 PM on December 3rd 2018.
My wife Juliette and I wish all my Brother Knights Ladies & families a Holy and Peaceful Christmas.
God bless you and Vivat Jesus.
Andy Haynes
Grand Knight Council 4878