Brother Knights:

I am preparing my last Grand Knight’s report and my head is filled with emotional thoughts as I consider what I should say in this report and what I’m feeling as to all the different reports I’ve written over the last three years. I’m torn between writing a report stating the things we have done this last month or whether it’s necessary and of more importance to convey my real thoughts with regards to the last three years as your Grand Knight.

It has been an honour to lead this council and in doing so, I have seen how hard everyone has worked to hold on to the reputation that 4878 has developed since it’s beginning. I have never once felt that I was on my own or that there were any knights I couldn’t count on. I am very, very proud to be able to say I am a Past Grand Knight. I feel that way because all the Past Grand Knights of this council have been so helpful to me. My deepest appreciation and a huge thank you to all.

There is no doubt in my mind that as our new Grand Knight takes the gavel from my hand, I will feel an obligation to help him through his first year and I am committed to doing so as a Past Grand Knight. I have seen the importance of a Grand Knight as someone who says lets do this or lets do that and I see everyone is eager to follow whenever there is someone taking the reins. As our new Grand Knight takes the reins, he needs a Deputy Grand Knight who is willing to help him accomplish all the goals he has set simply by being there, supporting him and following to the end of the goal. It is also important for a Deputy Grand Knight to realize that there are plenty of other Knights willing to help him. The way this works is the beauty of a Knights of a Columbus Council.  This may be the best time for YOU to step up and be the Deputy Grand Knight for Council #4878 and in doing so, you will see why this council has achieved the level it operates at, and why Father Paul Raj is so proud to be our Chaplain. He relies on us for so many things and he knows he can count on us.

On Saturday, June 16th we will celebrate the 51st Grand Knights Ball and I encourage all Knights to attend this event if you can. A great time will be had and we will each have an opportunity to welcome our newest Grand Knight sometime through out the evening. I thank you all for the great support you have shown me in the last three years and I pray that God will bless you all abundantly. Thank you.


Dave Allen,

Grand Knight