Brother Knights
February was as hectic as I anticipated and I am very grateful for all the Knights {and ladies} who jumped in to help make this month workout so well.
We started off with our usual council meeting followed by our Annual Cribbage Tournament, which was a lot of fun. This year we had a surprise winner. My humility prevents me from discussing the champion’s play, however there is no surprise that Bro. Dan Barth and Bro Danny Goshaluk were among the top three. Ten players were involved and hopefully we will have 20 next year.
Padre Night on February 8th was a very nice evening with Father Henry and Father Frank attending. Father Paul returned late that evening and although I was to pick him up, I am not quite sure what happened as I went to the airport to retrieve him and did not find him. Thankfully Brother Dan was also there and Father Paul returned safe and sound. Thank you Dan.
The Anointing of the Sick was on Sunday the 11th and we indeed had a continental breakfast after the 11:00 mass. It would appear that everyone enjoyed that breakfast and I again must say thank you to all the Knights and ladies who stepped up to provide for the sick of our parish. Thank you all.
Tuesday, February 13th was Shrove Tuesday and once again all our favourite cooks and drivers showed up in force to make this event another one of our fun things to do. Our deepest thanks go out to the Blue Flame Kitchen from ATCO where Bro. Frank Gerritsen’s son, John Paul is a chef and they were very happy to cook and deliver all of our sausages to go with the pancakes, which were provided for lunch to the three schools. Thanks again to Brother Dan and his crew for another successful Shrove Tuesday.
As in past, we have the Stations of the Cross every Friday evening during Lent The Knights lead the stations on February 16th and I thank every Knight who was able to be there to help or just to be there on this very important evening. This will culminate with the Way of the Cross on Good Friday when all parishioners will be invited to participate in the outdoor procession at St. Cecilia along with the Knights and all other organizations in the church. Thank you again Brother Knights.
Our meeting for March will be on the 12th due to the Lenten Retreat, which Father Paul had arranged for the 5th of March. This retreat was attended by over 100 parishioners both Monday and Tuesday and Father Julian Studden from St. Albert the Great Parish was the speaker. Father talked about the Word of God on the Monday night with regard to the 3 pillars of Lent, fasting, prayer and sharing. On the Tuesday he spoke on the importance of communion in our lives. It was a wonderful retreat and enjoyed by everyone who attended.
Lastly, Father Paul will be unable to attend our meeting on the Monday, March 12th as he has been asked to do a Lenten retreat in Edmonton on this coming Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. ” Father Paul, when you are reading this bulletin, please know that you will be in our prayers while you are away and that we will say a special prayer at our Council meeting that your Lenten retreat will go especially well. ”
Thank you again all Knights and ladies for all you have done during this very busy month of February. God Bless you All.
Dave Allen , Grand Knight