Brother Knights

While January was a relatively quiet month for us Knights, February will be anything but quiet. For that reason I have decided to focus my report on what is happening in February.

The month will start with our executive meeting on Monday the 5th of February at 6:30 p.m. followed by our meeting at 7:30 p.m. My plan is to move our meeting along quickly to allow time for our annual cribbage tournament so that we can determine this year’s champion.

Thursday evening February 8th is the Padre Night event and anyone wanting to go would need to get tickets from Bro. Dan Barth, if he has any left.

Sunday the 11th of February will be the anointing of the sick and the Knights will provide a continental breakfast after the 11:00 AM mass. Bro. Dan Barth will need help with this and we need to be there for him. Please come to Mass ready to assist.

Tuesday, February 13th is Shrove Tuesday and once again we will be preparing pancakes and sausages for our three schools, namely St. William, St. Matthew and St. Cecilia Ecole. This breakfast will require a lot of help and support and anyone who can help with the preparations will be very appreciated. I am sure Bro. Dan Barth will let us know just what he needs for these breakfasts to work.

On Friday, February 16th Father Paul will begin the Stations of the Cross followed by Mass. The Knights of Columbus have been asked to lead the stations that evening and I look forward to as many Knights as possible to come and take part as well as lend a hand with the procession.

Brother Dan Barth will let us know about Lectures Night, which once again falls on the Family Day holiday.

Brothers, as you can see we have a very busy February. Remember that Ash Wednesday is on the 14th of February which begins the season of Lent and is also Valentine’s Day.

God bless you all during this season of Lent and please open your hearts to the needs of the Knights to help us accomplish our goals.

Dave Allen
Grand Knight