Brother Knights
This has certainly been a very busy December and illustrates why the Knights, like other groups in our church are so important to St. Cecilia’s Parish. There are not too many things going on in our church that don’t have a Knight involved. This particular December Brother Dan Barth has been very busy with all the goings on in our church.
We had a very enjoyable Christmas dinner where Brother Dan and Elaine Barth took responsibility for the turkey dinner and the setting up of the auditorium for said dinner. There were a number of Knights and wives who helped bring it all together and I am very grateful to you all. A special thank you to Sharron Dorscher for providing the ham and to all the ladies who made our dinner so delicious with the variety of food they brought.
We also took this opportunity to say congratulations to our chaplain, Father Paul Raj. He began his 25th year as a priest on the 19th of December and what better place for that to happen but at St. Cecilia’s Parish. At this time I will remind you that Father Paul will leave for India on the 7th of January for one month and his itinerary would suggest that while this is his yearly holiday, relaxing will be the last thing he will be thinking of during this vacation. I am sure we all wish Father Paul a very wonderful 2018 and at least the odd day of relaxation. Father Paul will return on the 8th of February.
Once again our church was and is looking very “Christmasy” and for that I thank everyone who helped with the decorations and setting up of the trees and lights and nativity scenes. Thank you Brother Dan for organizing all the work involved and thank you again to all who participated. It really does look beautiful. Brother Dan will let us know when it is time to take it all down for another year.
This year we have a new light set up in the loft just behind the main crucifix. This light reflects the seasons of the Liturgical Year, be it Christmas, Advent, Lent, Easter or any other time of the year. There is an adjustment period in order to perfect what was done and hopefully it will improve as time goes by. Thank you again to Brother Dan Barth and all who helped with this project.
For those of you who wonder how the renovations in the church office are coming, Brother Dan Barth could keep us informed and probably will. There have been a good number of people involved in this renovation and Brother Frank Gerritsen is another knight to along with Brother Henry Feddema for whom we can and should be very grateful.
There is a large number of parishioners who have been involved in making December a very special time for St. Cecilia’s church and certainly the Knights of Columbus can be very proud of what we accomplish at our parish and our involvement with the plans Father Paul has for this parish.
Once again we distributed poinsettias to our lovely widows and we also took time to visit with some Knights and their wives. Brother Vital Morrissette could be likened to the battery advertised on T.V. that just keeps going and going and going. If that rabbit ever dies, Brother Vital could be a T.V. star.
The C.W.L. put on a very delicious Christmas dinner in the hall and once again we men were invited to partake. I think everyone had a great time and already look forward to next year.
God Bless you ALL for your support and as Grand Knight of our council, I along with my wife Alida wish you all the best in 2018 and I look forward to seeing you all in the new year.
Dave Allen
Grand Knight
P.S. Our next General meeting is at 7:30 PM on the 8th of January and our Executive meeting will be on the same date beginning at 6:30 p.m.