Brother Knights, wives & widows,

Once again a very busy month started with St. Cecilia’s school and the collection of clothes for the needy. Brother Dan Barth and I helped to sort out clothes intended for distribution and all the Grade six students worked very hard to be ready for the pickup on Thursday the 12th of October. The music was deafening, however we persevered.

Brother Issac Bernard led the Rachel Rosary on Lectures Night with Brother Dan’s help and while there were only 17 in attendance the Rosary was held outside and was very beautiful. Snacks were enjoyed after the Rosary.

The Bishop’s Dinner was held on October 19th and all our tickets were used by Fr. Paul, Fr. Frank, Fr Henry, Dave and Alida Allen, Joe Novakowski, Issac Bernard and Tom Czarnomski. Everyone had a good time and enjoyed a very nice meal. My thanks to Council 4878 for providing the tickets for this dinner. There were 800 in attendance.

The next evening was the football game and there were seven volunteers due to the fact that we no longer participate in the hard liquor booth. Our income was less than usual, however, we all had a great time and a lot of laughs. Our tips were still very good and our next game is November 3rd. That will be the last regular season game and we will have one playoff game, which will be the Western Final. Thank you to all the knights who have helped out so far this season.

We said goodbye to Brother Bill Pankow on the October 19th and while he had not been involved in our activities due to his health, he was a very good Knight and an exceptional Grand Knight. Memories of his involvement in our council will be in our thoughts for a very long time.

We were fortunate to find some excellent office furniture due to Bel’s efforts and Brothers Dan Barth, Frank Gerritsen, Henry Feddema and I were able to get that furniture delivered to our church. We worked very hard and are very grateful for Bels’s help in securing this furniture for our church office renovations. Brothers Frank, Dan and Henry worked very diligently to dismantle the furniture in preparation for transporting. My thanks to all three Brothers.

We had our Stewardship Sunday on the 28th and 29th of October and received information on three prospective Knights. I will be contacting them and hopefully have them in for the first degree as soon as possible. Thank you to all the Knights who came out and helped with talking to all those we met who might be interested in joining the Knights.

I may have more to say at our next meeting on the 6th of November but just a reminder that the Memorial Mass is at St. Luke’s Parish on THURSDAY, November 9th to remember all the Knights who have passed away in the last year. Our attendance at this Mass is very important. Please remember this date. The mass will be at 7:00 PM. Thank you Brothers.

Our executive meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. on the 6th of November.

Thank you Brothers and see you on November 6th. God Bless You All.

Dave Allen,
Grand Knight