Brother Knights

This month has been a month of meetings starting with our own meeting on the 9th. of January. On the 16th. we had our lectures night and sadly only 12 knights and wives attended that event due mostly to other events happening on the same evening. I expect the 20th of February to be well represented as we are having our annual cribbage tournament that evening.

On the 23rd. of January Council 4878 hosted our monthly Chapter meeting which was extremely well attended. My thanks to Bro. Dan and Elaine Barth for preparing such a delicious stew for the event complete with cake and ice cream. Brothers Dave Masse, Len White, Danny Goshaluk and Kevin Lopresti also helped to make this evening a success. Thank you all.

Our next meeting is on the 6th of February and will begin at 6:30 in the evening beginning with a hot meal provided by Brother Ray Khuller. We will see how this works and perhaps consider eating before the meeting more often.

I have received 16 tickets for Padre Night and am hopeful that we will use them all as this may be the last official talk by Bishop Frederic Henry. The tickets are $45.00 and are available now and at our council meeting on the 6th. A phone call to me will secure you a ticket. Padre Night is on the 23rd. of February and the address is printed on the tickets.

A reminder that the installation of our new Bishop will be on the 27th. of February and you will need a ticket for that event and the tickets will be available on line or through the office of the Diocese.

Thank you for all your help in January and I look forward to seeing you all on the 6th.

Our executive meeting will be held Sunday the 5th of February after the 11:00 Mass.

God Bless you all,
Dave Allen
Grand Knight