Dear Brother Knights
God works always in an amazing way which I have experienced innumerable times in my life.
One such works of God that I experienced on 29th of May 2016 in our parish, St. Cecilia. As we had our Corpus Christi procession, there were as many as more than 17 Knights participated and provided nice ice cream and hot dogs for the parishioners, we did have very nice sunny weather, which was perfect conditions for our procession. Once we finished our entire Corpus Christi program around 1.30 pm, it started raining at 2 pm and lasted for the whole evening. What a wonderful work of God. Thanks be to God and thanks to the Knights as well.
As I talk about nice bright sunlight during our procession, we are going to have another Bright Sunny Summer this year 2016. It is going to be many days of bright sunlight. It is also important for every Knight to shine long and bright like sun shine with love, joy, peace, goodness, happiness, laughter, helpfulness and caring etc. I pray that every Knight be a light to others throughout this summer.
Enjoy your summer holidays spreading bright light of yours to others.
Fr. Paul Raj