Brother Knights
Sunday morning Father Paul received news of his younger brother’s death and left for India Sunday afternoon. Please remember Father Paul, his deceased brother and his family in your prayers. Father Hubka has graciously taken on Father Paul’s masses for this week.
On the evening of April 11th in the auditorium we held an Open House dedicated to inviting gentlemen of our church to join the Knights of Columbus. I was very impressed with what Father Paul had to say. It was very inspiring. The response was successful to the point that we had 5 candidates enter into the First Degree at St. Patrick’s Church on the 22nd of April. Thank you to Brother Gerry Cartmell and Brother Andy Haynes for their help and thank you to all the Knights and wives who showed such great support all evening and the support of seven more Knights who attended the First Degree. I believe because of all the support of you men they call Knights, 2 more gentlemen, and possibly 4 will be entering into the First Degree at St. Joseph’s Church on the 30th of April at 9:30 in the morning. It would be great if we have that same support on Saturday the 30th. Thank you all once again. I would like to say congratulations to our newest First Degree Knights.
This weekend April 23rd and 24th was the weekend for our K of C Garage Sale. I cannot say enough “ thank you’s” to everyone involved in the setup, the sale and the take down of this very successful event. The committee included Bro. Kevin Lopresti, Bro. Leo Bunz, Bro. Frank Gerritsen, Vicki Baran and last but certainly not least, Jenny O’Dell. Congratulations on a job very well done.
We were also very grateful to the youth and altar servers for taking over the food sales for this event. They performed their task with earnest and smiling faces. Thank you all.
A reminder that the Hike for Life is on the 7th of May and we have pledge forms in the Council Chambers for anyone who would like to walk the 10K’s. On the 29th of May Father Paul has asked the Knights to set up an altar for Corpus Christie and also to help with the Canopy and anything else which might require our help. There will be four altars in all. K of C, CWL, Couples for Christ and Bible Study. Corpus Christie will follow the 11:00 a.m. Mass. Brothers, let’s put our efforts into helping Father make this Corpus Christie a very memorable day.
Please remember the Blue Mass at the Cathedral on the 15th of May, Sunday at 2:00 P.M. This is a Mass held in honor of the First Responders in our city.
Lectures Night will be on the 16th of May and we will be saying the Rosary at the Statue of Rachel on the south side of the Church. Due to an overabundance of goodies from the Open House, no one will be required to bring desserts. I think we have all that we need.
May 31st. is the 5th Sunday Rosary and will be said right after the 9:00 Mass around 10:15 a.m. please plan to attend our last Fifth Sunday rosary for this Columbian year.
Thank you for a very busy and successful April. Because of your tremendous support we come into the Month of May invigorated and ready for a great month
Dave Allen, GK