Dear Brother Knights;
This was a very busy February starting with Padre night on the 4th of February. There were approximately 80 to 90 Priests and Deacons attending and they all went home with new sweaters from Moores. Thank you to all the brothers who attended from 4878 including Kevin Lopresti, Dan Barth, Leo Bunz, Mike Driscoll, Henry Feddema, Mike Bakk, Mike Abday, Frank Gerritsen, Joe Novakowski, Jeremy Novakowski and myself. We were happy to have Father Henry and Father Frank attend with us. The meal was worth the price of admission.
There was a first degree at St. Patrick’s on the 5th. Including our candidate Ronnie Timonera who was 1 of 11. The degree team was exceptional in their talks and I came away feeling like I was a part of something very special. State Deputy Charles Russell has every reason to be very proud of this particular 1st Degree team. Gerry Cartmell and I both attended. Congratulations to Bro. Ronnie Timonera.
February 7th was World Day of the Sick and Brother Dan Barth took charge of the breakfast. It was not attended as well as it usually is for world day of the sick however things were done a little differently. Thank you to everyone who helped out with the breakfast. I believe Bro. Dan will have a more complete report for the bulletin.
February 9th and 24th were Basketball Free Throw nights and Brother Henry will have a complete report on how things went. Thank you to all Brothers who helped Bro. Henry out.
Our Cribbage Tournament was held on the 15th. And again thank you to all knights and ladies who helped make this work. Again Bro. Dan Barth will give us a complete report on how it all went.
Thank you to Brother Leo Bunz for attending and helping out with Shrove Tuesday at Ecole St. Cecilia School. Apparently they had plenty of volunteers but it is always nice when they can see a blue jacket representing the knights. Thank you Bro. Leo.
Hike for Life is coming up on the 7th of May and unfortunately our State Convention is also on the 7th. Hopefully someone will jump in and do the hike. Thank you brothers.
There is a Lenten retreat at st. Cecilia’s on Saturday the 12th of March from 9:30 to noon and all parishioners are invited. That means us as well. Please consider attending this retreat.
Thank you also to the 5 brother knights who attended the Calgary Flames hockey game and worked the stands. Brothers Henry Feddema, Kevin Lopresti, Mike Abday, Lloyd Rose and Mike Driscoll. It appears everything went very well.
Thank you and may God bless you.
GK Dave Allen