Dear Brother Knights,

“He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end” (Luke 1:33).

The story of Jesus’ birth includes many individuals who acted on faith like Mary, Joseph, Shepherds, and Kings etc. We need to model our life and faith after one of these individuals in order to effectively experience Jesus’ birth. Let us also not forget the words of Apostle St. James that faith without action is dead. Our actions for this Christmas could be a giving or hoping or receiving or being a blessing to others because:

CHRISTMAS is a great time of BLESSING.
CHRISTMAS is a great time of GIVING.
CHRISTMAS is a great time of HOPING.
CHRISTMAS is a great time of RECIEVING.

May all that is beautiful, meaningful, joyful be yours this CHRISTMAS Season.

A blessed Christmas to you.
Fr. V. Irudaya Paul Raj SAC
Council Chaplain