Fraternity for the year

Brother Knights

As I was preparing this message to start off the new Columbian year I began to realize what an honour it is to be in this position. As Grand Knight I have an enormous responsibility and I am  a bit overwhelmed  because I do not know if you have or have not misplaced your confidence in me. Am I the right person to lead such an illustrious council as 4878?

When I think of all the Grand Knights who have taken on this position ahead of me, all I have to do is look at the photographs on the wall behind me and I am humbled at what I see.

I WILL be devoted to honouring these Past Grand Knights, a number of whom now sit before me. If for some reason I should start to falter, I know that anyone of you would step up and assist me rather than see our council struggle under my leadership.

Thank you all for the faith you have placed in me and in our council.

On June 6th Father Paul Raj was exemplified in the 4th Degree and this was witnessed by a number of knights from our council. Thank you all who attended the exemplification and dinner. A good time was had by all.

Congratulations Father Paul and welcome back to another Columbian year as Chaplain of Council 4878.

We had our stampede breakfast in the beginning of July and while I do not have the final figures I believe it was a tremendous success. Thank you to all who helped with the set up outside under dubious skys. To all the knights and wives who helped serve and cleanup and all knights and wives, daughters and sons who helped make this breakfast so much fun. I am very grateful to Brother Dan Barth and Elaine Barth for taking on the responsibility to order all the necessities and being there while I was still trying to find someone to replace them. Dan Barth has been Breakfast Chairman for a number of years and he and Elaine have never let us down. Thank you Brother Dan for continuing to be available while we try to find 4 or 5 knights to replace you.

Past District Deputy Ray Khuller  has chosen to step away from the rigors of District 32. Brother Mike Subasic will try to fill Brother Ray’s shoes and it will take all the Councils  best efforts for Brother Mike to do so. I would ask that we continue to support our new District Deputy with the same efforts and pinache we put into helping Brother Ray become one of the finest District Deputys this Council and District have had in many years.

Brother Ray Khuller and I have a little bit of history and I look forward to working with him at the Council level. Thank you Ray for all you have done for this Council and our District.

It is September and the Stampeder Booths are at their busiest times about halfway through the season. Randy and Carolyn Lopez continue to do everything they can to make this year successful. They will succeed as long as they have our support. As a council working together we must continue to find time to help with this fundraiser and while I have been “under the weather ” for some time now, I finally feel as good as I look. I will be at the game on Monday Sept. 7th and I look forward to having a great time. For any Brothers who have not tested their abilities at this fundraiser I encourage you to try it. The “ fraternity “ you experience at these games is beyond compare. Come out, get fed and have a ball. Everyone benefits.

Don’t forget that “ FRATERNITY “ is this years theme.

On August 29th we started the first of four “5th Sunday Rosaries.” There were 12 Knights and 20 parishoners  in attendance. Thank you to all the Brother Knights   who helped out, especially Brother Kevin Lopresti who helped lead the Rosarie. Our next month to have 5 Sundays is November 29th. More to follow.

I also have to thank Brother Kevin for being there for me every time I had a question I had no answer to. Thank you Kevin for taking my call every time your phone rang and getting me through this summer.

I am very pleased and excited to announce that at our executive meeting on Sunday Sept. 6th  Brother Kevin Lopresti  stepped forward to offer his expertise as our new Bulletin Editor.

Therefore my stress level has dropped considerably. Thank you Kevin for taking on this huge responsibility.

Our first meeting is Wednesday the 9th of September at 7:30. I look forward to working with you all. May God bless us all through this Columbian year.


Vivat Jesu

Dave Allen

Grand Knight