Diversity within Unity
Greetings Brother Knights,
April, as we knew the month, was indeed active; no such designation as ‘inactivity week’ with these Knights. Good Friday, Outdoor Way of the Cross at St. Cecilia’s, Outdoor Way of the Cross at St. Mary’s, Triduum, Easter, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Confirmation, Conference, Lecture Night – all taken in stride. Thank you to all who took part. The Fourth Degree Colour Corp was particularly active, under the very able direction of Commander Bro. Frank Gerritsen. These Knights deserve a good round of applause – basketball free-throw, Memorial Services, Confirmations at the different parishes – a lot of coordination, dress and decorum… and safe travel.
Looking back – the group photography went well – in front of the altar, at that. And just when we had Council Chambers all tidied up and ready. Some of us were somewhat astounded that the expert photographer, standing astride the pews, appeared to accomplish this with upscale camera in just one shot. Stupendous! A balancing act worthy of the Great Wallendas.
Diversity within Unity is the theme for this Grand Knight message. Just like the photo-shoot, we each see circumstances through our own personal view-finder, as it were – telescope, in the case of some. Periscope? Microscope? Binoculars in the case of others. Each of us brings a different perspective to what is being perceived. Take the Knights, for instance. We all have a perspective on, say, Columbus, the explorer. Now let’s look at a different point-of-view – one by the young Holden Caulfield, as written by the famous American author J.D. Salinger in The Catcher in the Rye (1945). Here’s a quote: “I remember, after we looked at all the Indian stuff [they’re at the Museum], usually we went to see some movie at this big auditorium. Columbus. They were always showing Columbus discovering America, having one helluva time getting old Ferdinand and Isabella to lend him some dough to buy ships with, and then the sailors mutinying on him and all. Nobody gave too much of a damn about old Columbus, but you always had a lot of candy and gum and stuff with you… ” Quite a different perspective, don’t you think? Is this not the norm for the way some of us view charity, unity, fraternity? Do we step up when there is a charity requirement, unity expected and fraternity advantageous? Or do we hang back and defer to the other fellow? Why support if there is the expectation that others will support?
On Monday, April 20th, the lecture night featured a presentation on Dementia and Alzheimer disease. Thanks go out to Bro. Danny Barth and Lady Elaine for organizing these third Mondays. What else have I forgotten?
Fundraising efforts coordinated by Bro. Randy and his lovely wife Carolyn Lopez continue. Many thanks to them for continuity with the Flames organization. Now, just an oblique reference to hockey during Spring. This is not the year for an expression that was heard with all too familiarity in Calgary during Spring seasons past – “Grass Fires”. Some let-down fans would use these words to denote: “Flames on the golf course – already.” How about Backyard Leaf Burns for one other unmentioned Canadian team?
Ahead in the month of May: Mother’s Day, Mothers’ Day Hike for Life, Major Degree, and preparation for Council election coming up in June. Please set aside Monday evening, June 1st as Council Night and the time of our annual election. Already Lorne Dowling is underway with Bro. Dave Allen contacting the various schools.
The agenda and instructions for Major Degree, Saturday, May 30th, hosted by our Council 4878 is being circulated by Bro. Dan Barth P.S.D. All who wish to help out are warmly welcomed and possibly well fed. Please note the host D.D. is Bro. Henk Kouwenberg. He is already purveying tickets to the buffet and will welcome our support.
Vivat Jesu!
John Bothwell, G.K.