Dear Brother Knights,

“I am the resurrection, and the life: he who believes in me shall never die.”

JN 11: 25

“Jesus is risen Alleluia” are the words that is echoing the whole world during this holy season of EASTER. Many people love you, many people like you, but there is only one person who DIED for you…THE RISEN SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.

Easter is about JESUS’ resurrection…It’s about elimination of slavery…elimination of darkness… elimination of sin… elimination of evil… elimination of fear and at the same time to rejoice, be thankful, and be assured that all is forgiven. Easter is the celebration of holy love…the day of peace…the day that brings us new hope, new aspiration, new light and reminds us that God is so good for he shared his own son to us. Let’s learn to share our love, peace, joy, to others. That’s the real meaning of Easter.

Through the RISEN LORD – May the angels protect you…May the sadness forget you…May goodness surround you…and may the Risen Lord Jesus always bless you…Live your life to the fullest! It cost Jesus’ life for us to live.

Happy Easter to you and your family!!! Have a blessed and meaningful Easter!!!

Fr. V. Irudaya Paul Raj SAC
Council Chaplain