Greetings Brother Knights,
There will be no reverse order messages this month, fellow Knights, you are going to get the goods ‘straight up’. This theme has been mentioned in our council newsletters before, and it is one you well know – Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. One requirement of your G.K. and something that was completed a month ago is the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity. This has been done and is quite a testimony to what we all have accomplished in the year just passed. So the challenge ahead is to stay with the theme and keep on chuggin’. Much of our volunteer assistance has been with the less fortunate.
“The measure of the greatness of a society is found in the way it treats those most in need… ” – Pope Francis
Now, recently – another recounting of story about one individual who became restricted to a wheelchair after suffering a debilitating accident; here is an excerpt. “I have learned things from Curtis: how to sit quietly beside a person who needs my presence, how to operate a lift and strap a wheelchair into a van. But I am resistant to the idea, occasionally suggested, that disabled people are here to teach us something about the value of human existence. The lives of disabled people have intrinsic importance, quite independent of whatever they might offer the able-bodied. When accidents like the one that felled Curtis occur, our first instinct is to scour them for meaning, but there is no cosmic truth here… only suffering and our capacity to overcome it.” This quote is taken roughly from an article entitled BOY, INTERRUPTED by Drew Nelles, originally published in The Walrus magazine. Within our own council we are experiencing a very similar circumstance and the measure of our Knightliness will be the way we handle this challenge/opportunity. Do we step up, or do we languish?
The Parish Breakfasts on the Sunday designated for World Day of the Sick were a difficult time for those active due to a shortage of support. Some of this was on account of this winter’s tough circumstances, some of us were ill, some away. Many thanks to those who did contribute their time, talent and resources.
Padre Night was a resounding success with great spirit displayed, good humour and camaraderie with our priests. We had a good turnout from council and sat, broke bread and chatted with our Parish Priest Fr. Paul Raj, Fr. Henry Rosenbaum, Fr. Connelly and Fr. Myles Gaffney. The meal, as is customary, was excellent.
Shrove Tuesday, February 17th, Council 4878 assisted with pancake breakfast at St. William Elementary School with equipment provided. Thanks to our breakfast Chair P.S.D. Danny Barth.
It was indeed heartening for our Council Members to have our Parish Priest Fr. Paul Raj installed as Chaplain in a brief ceremony led by D.D. Ray Khuller at Lecturer’s Night, Monday, February 16th. Although unable to attend due to illness, I understand it was a night of good ‘esprit de corps’.
First Degrees can occur at any time if we have candidates. The next Major Degree, of note for us, is Saturday, May 30th at our St. Cecilia’s.
A hearty thanks to P.G.K. Henry Feddema for arranging Basketball Free Throw evenings at Don Bosco School, January 28th, St. Matthews School, February 10th with District 32 Basket Ball Free Throw at St. Matthews School, February 17th . Following this is the Regional Basket Ball Free Throw to be held March 21st at Holy Trinity Academy, Okotoks, next door to St. James’ Church. In the month of March, activities… in one of the inimitable expressions of encouragement from D.D. Ray, “Be there or be Square”.
Now we find ourselves well into the Lenten Season – a preparation of our very own selves – mind, body and spirit – for this coming Easter. The way the Easter calendar falls this year, our April Council meeting should be held Wednesday, April 8th.
May the renewal that Easter poses be a strengthening for you all.
Vivat Jesu!
John Bothwell, G.K.