Greetings Brother Knights,

So, perhaps it is only fitting that we begin the New Year and the second half of our Columbian Year with a prayer of gratitude and a vow to do better. Here we are in a country that, for the most part, allows each and every one of us to exercise our free will and to make choices in most aspects of our personal undertakings. As we launch ourselves into a fresh start with resolutions for the first that may or may not be forgotten by the third, let us head off as if we have a new lease on life. We are aware that anything can happen to anyone at anytime. Most of us think we are in control of our life – however, the reality is often far different. Hence, the new or renewed ‘lease-on-life’ mindset – God willin’ and the crik’ don’t rise. As the old exhortation translates – Seize the Day.

At New Year’s Day Mass we were singing hymns for which the lyrics alternated between Latin and English. Those of us who were compelled to take Latin in High School might have perceived this as odd, so we sang in Latin louder than in English. What’s this about a multilingual Canada, with a dead language dominating? “Puts our life in perspective, doesn’t it?” said the old Duffer.

Stamps did win the Grey Cup at B.C. Place, Sunday, November 30th. Bro. Dave Allen’s quote, “We would like to express our condolences to Hamilton fans at the anticipated outcome of this game. ” was fortuitous… ‘Nough said. Thanks, Dave.

Our volunteering efforts now move to the Saddledome for the Flames games. Many thanks to Carolyn and Bro Randy Lopez for advancing this fundraiser and to Bro. Henry Feddema for his encouragement and timely reports.

There was a significant event on Saturday, December 13th the very day for the Knights visits with widows and gifting of poinsettias and a Men’s Breakfast hosted by Bishop Klein Council 6488 at St. Gerard’s. Starting at 9:00 AM, mass was said by Fr. Bogdan, followed by a Knights’ breakfast and the opportunity to hear Dr. Gerry Turcotte of St. Mary’s University as guest speaker. The ‘free will’ offering went towards the St. Gerard’s Building Fund. This event was the first of a series and the speaker was exceptional – very encouraging.

Our Annual Christmas Get-Together with delicious roast turkey, all the trimmings, vegetable dishes both kitchen and contributed, desserts galore, gifts, camaraderie, James Feddema as Santa [son of a previous Santa Bro. Henry], carol singing, was a significant success with attendance of about 60 people. Elaine Barth won the 50/50 draw and the balance went to Pennies. Heartfelt thanks to our Lecturer Chairman Bro. Dan Barth and to all who made this possible – to Lady Elaine Barth, Lady Jenny O’Dell and all who prepared in the kitchen and served – to those who set up and took down – and to all who attended.

Now, in this New Year: qualifying for the youth programs, K of C Basketball Free ThrowAlberta State Council Charity Appeal Tickets, activities with the schools within the Parish, 2015 Padre Appreciation Night – Thursday, February 12th at the Polish Canadian Club [see GK for tickets] – these are but a few of our Council activities to anticipate.

Recruiting is continuing… There is a First Degree planned for Monday, January 12th at St. Bonaventure. Father Paul is considering joining our Council. We are pleased and looking forward to have him in the Knights of Columbus.

We would also extend greetings and thanks to Bro. Greg LaMarre for his continuing efforts with the E-version of our communications. Please visit
Peggy and I would like to extend our very best wishes for Happy and Hearty 2015!

Vivat Jesu!
GK John C. Bothwell