Dear Brother Knights:
On Friday the 29th of August, we celebrated the feast day of St. John the Baptist and his beheading. When I wrote the sentence for the first time and looked at it, I thought how could we be celebrating a beheading. John, who always did the will of God, left this world in a terrible way. To work for God, and witness to his teaching, was never a security for life on earth. The promises of God are directed towards the other side and He will never forsake people who witness to Him.
Even the Son of God who never did anything wrong in his life had to embrace a thorny crown and the cross. What counts here on earth is to do the will of the father in heaven and to love Him above everything. And I mean everything!
Do you have the courage to take that fate of Jesus and John? It takes a lot of prayer and patience to do the will of God and to let Him lead our life. The killer of that kind of life is selfishness and the interpretation that my life belongs to me and nobody else.
One should realize the people who have that kind of understanding, are the people who will be able to carry the parish and its future life.
Fr. Frank Feldmann, S.A.C.
K of C Chaplain