Dear Brother Knight’s;

Congratulations to Danny Goshulak and Lloyd Rose for recently attaining your First Degree and especially for joining our council. Our council invites you to participate in our activities and attend our meetings to obtain your aspirations and personal reasons for becoming a Knight. Brother Knights please also join me in congratulating Brother Danny Goshulak and Ramsom Murzello for proceeding with their major degree exemplification, which now opens the door to taking an active role in our executive positions when they feel comfortable with our works within the council.

This weekend was our Garage Sale and a wonderful opportunity for us to work with our CWL Ladies and other parishioners enjoying our collective time together towards a common good including helping St Cecilia’s and raising funds that we can deploy for our charities. Bravo, mio fratello! Thank you for all that you do for our community.

Once again Randy and Carolyn Lopez will be coordinating the Stampeders fundraiser booths at McMahon Stadium, starting with our first game on June 14th. For all of us who have been volunteering our time at the games, thank you and I hope you are able and willing to help out again this season. For any Knights who would like to share the brotherhood and would like to take the Pro-serve course, just let me know and we’ll all find time to do it together shortly one evening.

The Grand Knight’s Appreciation Night in honour of our Chaplain Fr. Frank Feldmann, is on June 21st this year (details noted within) This will give a fine opportunity to end this Columbian Year together to not only congratulate individual members who have done a little extra with our works, but to thank you all who have gone to our meetings, attended our lecturer’s evenings, helped with our fundraising activities and especially to enjoy each other’s fraternity for which our council has benefitted immensely. We know that it is challenging for some of you Knights to come out to our meetings so please do not hesitate to come out to see us at this special event. Looking forward to seeing you there!

As another Columbian Year comes to a close, we’ll have our executive elections at the next meeting, so please make every effort to come. I’d like to thank you all for your enthusiasm and co-operation throughout my two years as Grand Knight at our meetings and events. I trust you will continue your support for the incoming executive with fresh ideas for our council. It certainly was displayed that we could work together encompassing our three themes of Charity, Unity and Fraternity, supporting each other and most importantly sharing a positive experience whenever we gathered together in our social and community programs.

Please note within our recent awards from State by our District Deputy Ray Khulller for Pennies for Heaven and Basketball appreciation and 1st Runner Up for Council Bulletins. Congratulations Bro. Andy Haynes, Bro. Henry Feddema, Bro.Danny and Elaine Barth for your dedication.

Heidi and I wish you all a wonderful summer and lot’s of fun times with council members, family and friends. As we don’t actually close for the summer we’ll keep you advised of any events such as the Stampede breakfast and the One Rock event.

Vivat Jesu!
Kevin Lopresti, GK