Dear Brother Knights:

I would like to take the gospel of the Fifth Sunday of Easter. In this reading Jesus Christ introduces to the apostles their future home and happiness. He is only speaking of relationships and not of a building, which we normally call our home. This relationship opens up many places to dwell in. The apostles naturally, want to see the place and want to know the way to this home. And Jesus Christ bluntly says, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one can come to the Father except through me. If you know me you know my father also. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”

Jesus is with us in the sacraments and especially the sacrament of the altar when he shares himself with each of us who receives the Bread of Life. The most futuristic activity is to be in contact with our Lord and to make him the governor of our activity. To look at ourselves, and to make us the means of decisions and future, leads to an existence without happiness and home.

Any relationship is strengthened by one activity, namely to be in contact with the person and have meaningful talks. This must be a lifelong activity to be sure of success. The difficulty we encounter very often, in spite of not feeling or seeing, doubts may arise whether we are on the right road.

Dear brother knights, one has to remind oneself that our life is built on faith and not visible security; to accept Jesus Christ’s words more so, than things we can see and touch.

Fr. Frank Feldmann, S.A.C.
K of C Chaplain