Dear Brother Knight’s:
I guess we are all wondering when this winter will finally end and we can come out of hibernation. Why wait, call your brother Knights and arrange visits and get togethers and share your camaraderie. Maybe even come to a few general meetings, which you know of course I fully endorse for our unity and to remain as a strong caring council.
We had a membership drive last weekend and Fr. Frank gave us permission to invite our parish’s eligible men to join our council. There is no doubt a sincere initiative throughout the Order to encourage recruitment and as we view our own council we know the benefits, personal or social, that have been meaningful to us through the years. In line with our Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson’s desire that we tell our Catholic gentlemen about our Order, especially during this time of Lent, I know you will also think about taking a new candidate or member under your wing and share your experiences with him. Thanks for your support Bro. Dave Allen, for making some connections at the three masses.
Brother Leo Bunz has had another successful Vocations Poster contest at our St Cecilia’s and St Matthew’s schools where eighty one Fifth Graders drew posters depicting various vocations themes. Endorsed by the Knights, this program is very much needed to have our younger children think and be made aware of a possible calling or direction of a special path in life. Incidentally the winning poster selected by his committee of Brothers Dave Masse, Dave Allen, Henry Feddema. and myself, depicts the various paths one may take, all leading to God. Bravo Bro. Leo, for your support of this community program.
The State Basketball Free Throw playoffs were held at Holy Trinity Academy in Okotoks, Alberta.on March 22nd, 2014 and were well attended by students from our local Calgary area councils. Thanks to Bro. Henry, for his participation and coordination of the local school’s events this season. A special thanks to Fourth Degree Commander Bro. and Sir Knight Frank Gerritsen and his Colour Corp for their presence at the event for the presentation of the medals. The general observation was that the students marveled at having their pictures taken with you and all attending would like to see you back next year, perhaps encouraging a greater awareness of the K. of C. Basketball Free Throw school events.
I have received a copy of the Resolutions State Member Nominations and General Resolutions to be voted on at the State Convention of April 25th to 27th and you will have an opportunity to review them at the next general meeting. I would also like to make you aware that I will have applications available for State Scholarships towards post secondary studies with eligibility open to Knights, wives, children, grandchildren, and widows of the K. of C. in good standing.
You may be thinking about seeing the new epic movie the Son of God that is about the life of Christ and His mission. If you want to know more, read the article in the Columbia March issue and also read about our Supreme Knight’s endorsement of the film.
Please note that St. Mary’s Annual Outdoor Way of the Cross on Good Friday, April 18th, coordinated by Jana Drapal and our Brother Eden D’Souza, is likely to have an attendance of up to 5,000 people this year. Once again, I have committed five of our Knights from our council to help with the crowd control. There are practice meetings that you need to attend scheduled for April 10th and 11th at 6:00 PM followed by a dinner. You will need to bring a photo ID.
Vivat Jesus!
Kevin Lopresti, G.K.