Dear Brother Knights:
I would like to say a few words to the gospel of the Twenty Eighth Sunday of ordinary time. There is Jesus healing ten lepers while between Samaria and Galilee. “Master, have mercy on us.” That is the call to Jesus. Jesus immediately gives a command, “Go and show yourselves to the priest.”
As you may have realized, Jesus omits the healing process, expressed by words and sent them off to make an offering so the priest would scrutinize them and verify that they are now healed and are again ready to be among people. And sure enough, on the way they are healed, but only one of them returns to thank Jesus and he is a foreigner, namely a Samaritan. He worships Jesus and is completely taken in by the Messiah. Jesus tells him to get up and go home, and makes him aware, that his trust, made him healthy again.
We should look at our life and learn from these lepers, and have no doubt that Jesus Christ can do things for us. To be in His presence and believe that he is the Son of God and do this every day, will create an atmosphere in which we cannot but change into a better human being. In our time this includes to have every day conversations with God, go as often as we can to mass and be aware that we are surrounded by sisters and brothers who are very important to us.
Fr. Frank Feldmann, SAC
Council Chaplain