Greetings Brother Knights;
It has been an eventful summer with the dramatic flooding of our city and the outpouring of help. The aid to the community has been astonishing and remarkable, giving us all a sense we are part of a generous society that we can be proud of. This is not strange to the Knights, as we have always lived true to our first principal of Charity. Thank you to all who have contributed in one way or another through our council or the Alberta Knights of Columbus Charitable Foundation.
As we are starting a new Columbian year and hope to grow with the council I thought I’d advise some direction from Supreme and suggest some goals to strengthen our council. This year I have been provided with a planner to help keep us organized and I’m sure this will be most helpful. Our Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson has forwarded a message that we continue to invite men to join us in this Year of Faith.
I would also like to invite us to think about our present membership and be more attentive to our Knights who are not available to attend our meetings or activities but do appreciate our fraternity. Let’s start by calling our Knights more often and bringing news. I would also like us to think about our newer Knights who want to grow in their faith and do good but can also use our support and contact for direction. I will ask that we assign a few of us to mentor or take these brother’s under our wings.
As I write here in Montreal before leaving for Italy tonight (August 23rd), in addition to visiting family and friends, I also have visited my first church St. Kevin’s where I received my sacraments. I found that to be very peaceful, almost like a pilgrimage. I also made my way to St. Joseph’s Oratory with personal as well as intentions for you and your families that we live in the grace of God.
I am looking forward to our first meeting on September 11th, 2013, which will start with our Installation of Officers at 6:45 and invite you to see us through this ceremony.
Vivat Jesus!
Kevin Lopresti, GK