Brother Knight’s:
I don’t know about you but I feel this Columbian year is just flying by and soon I’ll be asking myself if our council truly met its goals in achieving Charity, Unity and Fraternity. You may all have different opinions as to whether our participation at meetings, programs and events were a fulfilling experience or were they less than expected. We all have reasons for being a Knight but I think we all want to contribute something no matter how small, even if it’s to share fraternity from time to time. I can only say for myself, as it was a somewhat trying year, my involvement as your Grand Knight has kept me grounded in faith and it has been a very positive experience in so many ways, thanks to you all.
I would invite you to think about what you value as a Knight of Columbus as we are preparing for our election of officers at our June 3rd general meeting. Are our activities inviting enough participation and are our programs benefitting the community? Are you personally achieving what you are seeking at our meetings or would you like to get a little more involved? Keep this in mind when our nominating committee of our Past Grand Knights calls for involvement on the Executive and for you to vote in our June general meeting. Please plan to come to the next two general meetings.
Congratulations Brothers Andre Ethier and Dave Allen for obtaining their Pro-Serve certification following our brief meeting in April. You will also need to attend a session at the Saddledome before you can work at the McMahon Stadium for the football games on either Thursday May 23, 2013 – 5:00 PM or Tuesday June 11, 2013 – 5:00 PM. For all others that are interested in volunteering this coming season, arrange to obtain your certification so you can attend these orientation sessions in time. This is a fun and fraternal activity towards raising some funds for our charities and programs. With a few more Knights certified, this will free up some weekends for all of us this season.
A couple of upcoming events that we need our Knights to help with are 1) coordinating the Garage Sale with the Catholic Women’s League for May 31, June 1st and 2nd and 2) to serve at the Catholic Women’s League Convention Wine and Cheese reception on June 7th wearing a white shirt, black pants and a bow tie. I know we can count on you when called. Brother Dan Barth is the co-ordinator and would appreciate volunteers.
Please continue to pray for our Brothers and Ladies who are in need of our prayers and visits.
Vivat Jesu.
Kevin Lopresti, GK