Dear Brother Knights;
A council that prays, socializes, is attentive to our clergy and community and works together towards strengthening our faith in Christ Jesus, is living Fr. Michael J. McGivney’s aspirations for the Knights. As your Grand Knight I am encouraged that we have remained steady with our programs and participation within the parish. However as I’ve mentioned earlier this year, we always need to engage and challenge ourselves with new goals that allow us to demonstrate our talents and humanity within the community. I will be talking to you about some existing social justice programs that we can either participate in or develop for our own program as we investigate our community’s needs. If it is only to help one family this Christmas, this would be a great start.
This Christmas season will unify you with friends, family, and our parish. Please keep in mind that many of our worthy Knights that are not in the best of health, would be most appreciative of our visits and prayers. Our widows also look forward to our fraternal visit so when Bro. Vital Morrissette calls upon us to deliver the poinsettias, your enthusiasm and thoughtfulness will be fabulous.
This month the Honourable Minister of Transportation, Ric McIver, has completed his First Degree and we are privileged to have him in our council. Our talented Brother Andy Haynes has been initiated into the Second and Third Degrees. They will be looking to us for guidance towards fulfilling their own aspirations of why they joined this charitable, fraternal organization if not just to be united with men of our Christian faith. Our council unanimously welcomes our Knights who we know are not always available, to plan to attend a few meetings this Columbian year and rekindle spirits with your fellow knights.
This year has been another successful year with our Basketball Free Throw, parish breakfasts, handicap bowling, garage sale, Stampeder fundraising program, Grey Cup Pool and the Knights of Columbus Charities Appeal ticket sales, to name a few of our activities, that couldn’t have been at all possible without your dedication and generosity. Thank you all.
Our council and I would also like to thank our Publicity and Newsletter editors Bro. Dan and Elaine for unifying us with the warmth, time and effort put into each and every bulletin. We will strive to be “on time” with our reports.
Heidi and I joyously express to each and every Knight, Lady and our past Knight’s Widows, a very warm and Merry Christmas with God’s Blessings!
Vivat Jesus!
GK Kevin Lopresti