Worthy Brother Knights;
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and shared a time of reflection with your families and friends. We are very fortunate to live in this rich country of Canada, however, we all know there are those who can use a little help, personal visits and our prayers which really matter. Let’s keep this in mind in our existing programs and perhaps some new programs that you would like to initiate in this Columbian year. Our newer Brother Knights are eager to serve and show their talents and your guidance is appreciated.
We had a great month of October in our membership blitz recruiting three new Knights, Kim and son Steven Dorscher, and Rick McIver, MLA. Thanks to Brothers Mike Abday, John Bothwell, Frank Gerritsen, Ken Dorscher and Dan Barth for attending their ceremonies and showing their support. Please continue to ask our parishioners directly, along with the new Self-Recruiting box to start soon, to think about joining our K of C Council and finding out what their particular aspirations might be. Thanks to Bro. Danny for organizing the Outdoor Rosary in the Rachel Garden attended by 29 parishioners and council members.
For the month of November we have the Memorial Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral at 7:00 PM, on November 8th. We will remember our deceased Brother Knights P.G.K. Lloyd Schulte and Leslie D’Souza so please come to the mass and show our support for our widows.
On Sunday, November 18th our parish will be celebrating the feast of our parish patron, St. Cecilia. We have been asked by Bro. Ross Ferby to help with the setup for the Musical Fiesta that evening so again we ask for your volunteering expertise.
Bro. John Wojtowicz is once again running the Grey Cup tickets program, with the proceeds designated to Society of St. Vincent DePaul. Please have your sales ready when he calls.
There is one more Stampeder Football game on Sunday, November 11th. At the October 26th game, Randy Lopez kept us warm with lots of hot chocolate, which we enjoyed along with some cookies brought to us by one of our clients, all for a fabulous time of fraternity and fund raising. Thank you Bro. Randy and Carolyn Lopez and supportive Brother Knights.
Fraternally yours,
Bro. Kevin Lopresti,
Grand Knight