My Brother Knights
I bring you greetings and a hearty welcome to all worthy Knight’s of Archbishop Monahan Council 4878. I trust you had a good summer as the weather was just fabulous and I know you are all eager to make this Columbian year the best ever! Personally as your new Grand Knight I am looking forward to supporting you in your visions and generous contributions to this council and to the community, as this is what we do. Please do not hesitate to show your concerns with any of the surge programs or to suggest new ones that you feel will enrich our experiences and purpose. I’d like to thank our past GK Henry Feddema for his utmost guidance and dedication to our council and I know he will be my aid in challenging times.
Following our last general meeting, let us reflect on our activities this summer. The Grand Knight’s Ball, honouring PGK Mike Bakk, held at St. Cecilia’s was very successful and well attended. Our GK Henry brought his personal touch to the Ball, by bringing in our parishes talents such as Lillian Rose who co-ordinated the catering for our dinner, which was excellent. Our own Roland Gelinas brought in his band “ “ and dance all night we did indeed. Henry also invited the Parishioners for the dance portion and it made for a most enjoyable night. It was especially good to see our State Chaplain Fr. Henry Rosenbaum and Fr. Patrick Furtado again.
The garage sale held in late June endorsed whole heartedly by our Chaplain Pastor Fr. Leo was a fabulous success raising funds for the church, council and the needy. Although we envisioned it would be quite a challenge, due to the harmony amongst everyone contributing their time and smiles, it was accomplished marvellously and with energy to spare. Even Dave Allan was smiling when his truck was unloaded in less than 20 minutes at the Goodwill Center. A special thanks to Vicki Baran and Jenny O’Dell for their guidance and to all who helped make this a success. We are raring and ready for next year’s sale indeed!
Once again the sun was shining for our well attended Stampede Breakfast co-ordinated by our Past State Deputy and Breakfast Chairman Danny Barth. Thank you. The success was also due to many of the Knights and their Ladies and also the children of Henry and Donna Feddema, John Barth visiting us from Turkey, and our Insurance agent Greg Miskiman. Thanks also to our master BBQ’er Mike Abday, who says as he was approaching B.O. this summer, “do you think next year I can have a little shade?” You bet!
Randy and Carolyn Lopez are doing an amazing job of co-ordinating the Stamps games fundraising and this is challenging due to the limited Pro Serve certified volunteers. Thanks to all of you who have been coming out so far this season and supporting one of our major fundraising activities for the council. Let me share with you that on the Aug. 18th game Elaine and Donna were not well at all but they came down despite to support us. I encourage you to make arrangements to become pro-serve certified to at least contribute some of your time as we head into the fall season, please and to allow the faithful regulars, some due time off. The on-line course can be done at your schedule anytime and you will be compensated. The Pro Serve address is:
Our Executive and Surge Program Directors are ready to co-ordinate their programs, however they definitely need your support so that our charitable works flourish and are well represented. Following our first meeting of September 5th, 2012 we will commence with Bishop Henry’s outdoor mass BBQ lunch, held at the Fr. Lacombe Center on September 9th. Our council is known for doing a super BBQ, so let’s continue with the support you have shown in the past. You know it is fun to do as well when there is lot’s of help.
For those worthy Knights who are unable to attend our meetings due to reasons beyond their control, I bring you greetings from the council who hold you close to our hearts and in our prayers.
Our council also welcomes Fr. Frank Feldmann to our Parish. May we be of service to you and may you be our inspirational guide in our works.
Vivat Jesus
Kevin Lopresti, GK
Don’t let the fact that we can’t do everything keep us from doing something!!