Dear Brother Knights:

On Thursday the 27th of September the Gospel was talking about the reaction of Herod to Jesus Christ’ public life preaching and healing. The king was very curious about Jesus and intended to meet him. We know out of holy scripture that Herod met Jesus only once and this took place shortly before Jesus Christ was crucified. We may ask ourselves why Jesus Christ did not have any interest in meeting Herod. The king was a schemer who had only interest in strengthening his political career. He supported the temple with money to get the support of the Jewish authorities and the liking of the people. At the same time he beheaded John the Baptist because he criticized justifiably the king. When Jesus Christ met Herod he did not say a word in reply to the many questions Herod uttered at him. I believe that Jesus didn’t get involved with this man because he was selfish and his interest was solely directed towards supporting his own kingdom and the future of his personal life. I believe that Jesus did not see a way to make this man change his mind. This example in holy scripture tells us if we want to live a meaningful life and fulfill the reason we were born for, we have to be in constant contact with our Lord and find out from Him what has to be done in our life. Self interest leads to self destruction. I would like to invite all of us to reach out to our Lord and find out from Him what has to be done in our life, may it be our personal life or the life of our families, and for that matter what one can do when we meet together as Knights of Columbus.

Fr. Frank Feldmann, SAC