Brother Knights:
Our Columbian Year is nearly over with only the month of June to enjoy. We have had a busy and interesting year of activities and for this I am most grateful to so many of you. Our Lorne Dowling Bursary Program was once again successfully carried out under the capable leadership of Alfredo Nino, presenting bursaries to very worthy recipients.
The Charities Appeal tickets, a Council Project, was chaired by Bro. Mike Driscoll and along with that, I thank him for spearheading the Basketball Free Throw Tournament for the District.
For the first time we had the pleasure of donating a cheque to St. Cecilia’s church for $1500.00 as their share of the Food Gift Card Program. This will continue into the next Columbian Year.
Randy and Carolyn (nee Wojtowicz) Lopez have done an excellent job of co-ordinating the Stampeder Football Games volunteers, always ensuring that we have enough people at every game. We have a good track record so let’s support Carolyn when she calls. We’ve had good participation from our various chairs – all under the Surge Program, in making certain events come to pass.
My Deputy Grand Knight, Brother Kevin has been my right arm all year, pinch-hitting for me so many times. My sincere thank you Kevin.
My appreciation goes out to all my officers for their commitment to their office. They were all a big help to me.
Thank you to Father Leo Monroe, our Spiritual Advisor, who was available at any time for advice and spiritual guidance. We appreciate his love of the Knight of Columbus, his church and his Brother Knights. We hope we have served him well over the past years.
Many more Brothers who have diligently carried out their duties deserve my thanks; Bro. Vital who faithfully made sure mass cards were given and visits were made, Bro. Mike Abday for being there every Tuesday for the Seniors Wheel Chair Bowling and to all who worked as caring and fraternal Knights of Columbus. Without the efforts of all of you, our council would not survive and I could not have carried out my duties.
There are still a few events that will take place in June so please avail your selves to be a part of what is to come. You will find them in other reports in this newsletter.
To all of you, my Brother Knights and many ladies, I say a big and heartfelt thank you. My wife Donna and I wish you a summer of sunshine, family time and good health. We want to see all of you back in September, rejuvenated and ready to work with our incoming Grand Knight. Thank you one and all!
Henry Feddema, G.k.