Brother Knights,

We are now in the last two months of our Columbian year. We still have a number of projects and special events taking place so I look forward to full participation from you, my Brothers.

On Saturday, May 12th Calgary Chapter is hosting a Major Degree in our church. Bro. Dan has asked for help that day for the duties of setting up and arranging the various rooms. Please offer your assistance.

Next month, yes June is election month. Bro. Leo Bunz has stepped forward to chair the nomination slate of officers. This is the time to give consideration to the meaning of Knights of Columbus and how you can put your gifts and talents to work for your church, family and community. We work together as a team, enjoy the fraternalism of our Organization and feel gratification for the charity we extend to others.

At the last Chapter meeting on April 23rd we were informed that the Handi Boat committee is asking for financial help as they have purchased a new boat to the tune of $85,000.00. The old one was no longer in working condition. Camp Cadicasu is also asking for money. Every child that goes to camp pays $480.00 but the cost of a week to the camp is $600.00. Every child deserves a chance so we should offer some funds for this request.

Our parish garage sale date has been set for June 22nd, 23rd and 24th. WE NEED HELP FROM YOU TO SET UP, PRICE AND ORGANIZE THE ITEMS ON FRIDAY THAT ARE BROUGHT IN AND THEN BE AVAILABLE ON THE SALE DAY FOR THE ACTUAL SALE. Bro. Kevin and I are chairing the sale but we need many volunteers to assist. Please bring your sale items and your hands to help.

Our Grand Knight’s Ball date has been set for SATURDAY, JUNE 9TH (yes, Saturday). It will be held at St. Cecilia’s church hall with a banquet and dance. This year we will have a live “Old Time Band” under the direction of Bro. Roland Gelinas, to set our feet dancing. If you like to dance to ‘hard rock music’ this is likely not for you since we will have polkas, waltzes fox trots, etc. The dance portion will be open to our parishioners so let them know to join us for a minimal charge of $10.00 per person. Mark your calendar and plan to join us for great time.

With spring and warm weather here, we will have a wiener roast and games afternoon at Fish Creek Park on Sunday, May 20th. This will be our Lecturer’s program for the third Monday. See Bro. Dan’s Lecturer’s note elsewhere in the newsletter. We look forward to an afternoon of fraternalism.

Henry Feddema, G.K