Brother Knights:

We are now well into our new Columbian Year, which means that we must be thinking of how our council can grow. Please come out to the monthly General and Lecturers meetings and get involved. Become a building block and make your council a strong and important part of our parish and Calgary Chapter.

Bro. Kevin and I are still looking for ideas from you for activities for the Year of the Family projects. If there is anything you would like the Council to do in this regard, please let either one of us know.

It was indeed an honour to have our State Deputy, Gary Johnson attend the 9 AM mass at St. Cecilia’s a few weeks ago. He brought with him the Icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe and explained that it will be presented in various parishes throughout Alberta. He reminded us that Our Lady appeared to St. Juan Diego in Tepeyac, Mexico in 1531. After mass the Icon was placed in the vestibule and many parishioners stopped by to admire and ask questions of the painting. Through this, twelve men showed interest in joining our Order.

For more about Lady of Guadalupe, please read the report for the October Lecturers program and plan to attend the Marian Hour of Prayer in our church. Lastly, I am looking for your help and participation in some of our Columbian Service Programs. Please volunteer your time and talent.


Henry Feddema, Grand Knight